Monday, April 7, 2014


Anthony Robbins in his book “Awaken the Giant Within” described pain and pleasure as the force that controls us as humans. I couldn’t have agreed more to this assertion because he further went on to say everything you and I do, we do either out of our need to avoid pain or our desire to gain pleasure. I am sure haven read the last sentence you would also agree with me that Robbins was right.

Let me share a quick example for the doubting Thomas’s who might want to argue further or not agree. Why does young graduate irrespective of his/her course of study wants to work in oil and gas OR a multinational like Unilever or Nestle? It is because he believes that he will be paid handsomely and can enjoy all the good things of life like driving a Porsche car, live in the eyebrow area of the city, buy nice toys, etc. He believes being able to afford this kind of lifestyle is pleasurable, therefore, he desires such job opportunity so as to derive the pleasure that comes with it.
                                                               Courtesy: Google Image
His not being able to get such job pains him a lot because he feels  he might not be able to afford the lifestyle he has anticipated for himself and becomes dissatisfied with other job opportunities which doesn’t pay much.
Another example is that of a person that wishes to lose weight. Why is it so difficult to achieve that goal of weight loss or why is it that after losing that weight you so wish, you gain it back after some weeks? It is because you have attached so much pleasure to the diets that makes you add weight while you have associated pain to not taking it, therefore, you will constantly want to take that diet. These are just few out of the numerous desires and wants we have associated either pain or pleasure to.

Therefore, to achieve utmost success in whatever we want to do or set to achieve either as an employee, business owner, student, or family-oriented individual, we have to learn to associate so much pleasure to what we want to achieve (that is, our goal) and attach enough pain to activities that won’t allow you attain your utmost potential just as Robbins put it, “The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do, you are in control of your life but if you don’t, life controls you.”

You are not actually alone in this race of achieving success through pain and pleasure association, even the writer is struggling with it but the good thing is to start being conscious of how you live your life through this associations. That, the writer of this piece has started. YOU SHOULD ALSO START.

To your success in life.

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