Wednesday, May 14, 2014


A friend once sent me message containing a mathematical calculation of SUCCESS, HARDWORK, and ATTITUDE. It was discovered that it is only ATTITUDE that amount to 100%. What is this telling us? It is only when you have the right attitude that things become easy for you and people are more willing to assist you.

This is not a charity talk but what can assist you both as an employer and employee. If you portray the wrong attitude towards your business, it will not grow and you won’t attract customers. You might also lose your best employee. Also, if as an employee, you put up a not-so-good attitude to your work which makes you lack commitment, customers won’t patronize the enterprise you work for thereby affecting the bottom-line and leading to low revenue which might eventually lead to your dismissal. If you do not get dismissed, you might remain in the position for long without growth.

So my esteemed readers decide from today to always give your best to whatever you are doing whether as an employer or employee so as to make you grow both in life and business.


NOTICE: Hello my dear readers, I will be away for 3 weeks. Kindly bear with me. However, if I have any free time, I will post the weekly digest here. Thank you for always coming back to read my articles.
Yours in growth.

Kindly follow me on twitter to continue the conversation @suhaibarogs

Sunday, May 4, 2014


This week I will like to share something very vital for our existence as humans with you and it is ‘Belief’. Having a strong belief system is very essential to move us from where we are to where we want to be in life. I remember being at a seminar where Jimi Tewe was facilitating and he was sharing his experience about having a strong belief system. The experience goes thus in his own voice.

“I needed to facilitate a session on twitter and some minutes to the start of the program, all my internet connection went down. Both phone and Wi Fi connection. Instead of panicking, I began to pray and believed that the connections will come back on. About a minute to the start of the program, my connections came back and never messed up till the end of the program”. This shows a strong belief in the most High”.

I also tried it over the weekend #smiles#. My big dad asked me to switch on the generator and on reaching the rope to kick start the generator, the rope refused to be drawn. Meanwhile my big dad wasn’t around almost thru the week, he just got back. If the generator doesn’t come on, he will say we spoilt it while he was away. Oh, I didn’t tell you earlier, my big dad is a disciplinarian and doesn’t like listening to explanations. He terms them as excuses (Don’t allow him hear o). I called out to my brother feeling that I am the one who is not getting the right way to switch on the generator (as if this is my first time of switching it on). He also tried but all to no avail. I just remembered Jimi’s scenario and I began praying within me believing that God will make the generator come on. Few moments later, I reached out for the generator rope and to my utmost surprise, the rope gave way and the generator came on (Allahu Akbar, Arabic word for Praise God). And of course as you can rightly imagine, that saved me and my siblings some serious scolding. There and then, I ascertained the fact that God answers prayers and that if there is no belief in whatever we do, we won’t go far.

Have you heard of the saying that what you can conceive, you can achieve. If there is no belief to support what you conceive, you won’t be able to achieve it that is the bitter truth. Even scientist that postulates hypothesis and theories and pass across to generations to utilize, only do so on the premise that they belief if you carry-out the experiment according to the principles stated in the hypothesis, you will get the desired result. In our daily lives, we wake up believing that our source or means of sustenance will get better for those that have and for the have not’s, they believe things can only get better or worse. In all, it is what we believe that will manifest. Just like Martin Luther-King Jnr believed that a black man will rule the world someday.

So my favorite readers, I challenge you to be a great believer and not just belief in anything but what will move you forward to prosper both in life and beyond.

Till we meet again next week.


Kindly follow me on twitter @suhaibarogs to keep up with my thoughts.

If you are a lover of the environment, you can also follow my work on twitter @wwafrica


Monday, April 7, 2014


Anthony Robbins in his book “Awaken the Giant Within” described pain and pleasure as the force that controls us as humans. I couldn’t have agreed more to this assertion because he further went on to say everything you and I do, we do either out of our need to avoid pain or our desire to gain pleasure. I am sure haven read the last sentence you would also agree with me that Robbins was right.

Let me share a quick example for the doubting Thomas’s who might want to argue further or not agree. Why does young graduate irrespective of his/her course of study wants to work in oil and gas OR a multinational like Unilever or Nestle? It is because he believes that he will be paid handsomely and can enjoy all the good things of life like driving a Porsche car, live in the eyebrow area of the city, buy nice toys, etc. He believes being able to afford this kind of lifestyle is pleasurable, therefore, he desires such job opportunity so as to derive the pleasure that comes with it.
                                                               Courtesy: Google Image
His not being able to get such job pains him a lot because he feels  he might not be able to afford the lifestyle he has anticipated for himself and becomes dissatisfied with other job opportunities which doesn’t pay much.
Another example is that of a person that wishes to lose weight. Why is it so difficult to achieve that goal of weight loss or why is it that after losing that weight you so wish, you gain it back after some weeks? It is because you have attached so much pleasure to the diets that makes you add weight while you have associated pain to not taking it, therefore, you will constantly want to take that diet. These are just few out of the numerous desires and wants we have associated either pain or pleasure to.

Therefore, to achieve utmost success in whatever we want to do or set to achieve either as an employee, business owner, student, or family-oriented individual, we have to learn to associate so much pleasure to what we want to achieve (that is, our goal) and attach enough pain to activities that won’t allow you attain your utmost potential just as Robbins put it, “The secret of success is learning how to use pain and pleasure instead of having pain and pleasure use you. If you do, you are in control of your life but if you don’t, life controls you.”

You are not actually alone in this race of achieving success through pain and pleasure association, even the writer is struggling with it but the good thing is to start being conscious of how you live your life through this associations. That, the writer of this piece has started. YOU SHOULD ALSO START.

To your success in life.

Follow me on twitter @suhaibarogs

Monday, March 31, 2014


A lot of people misconstrue success with difficulty. If you are not going through difficult times or you choose to opt out of difficult situation which does not flow with your personality/being, people tend to say you are not patient enough. How can you be patient when you are not satisfied with what you are doing/with the situation which you find yourself/with what does not align with your life purpose?(You simply become frustrated)

You become patient when you are doing what you love and passionate about. At this juncture, let’s examine some successful people of our time.  

Bill Gates, yes the same Gates who co-founded Microsoft. The billionaire (in US Dollars of course), business guru turned philanthropist who now wants to see a stop to malaria insurgency. He found a purpose for his being and he is so passionate about it to drop out of Harvard to pursue his dream. If success was difficult, he won’t have been patient enough to follow through on his dream. Now that’s when patience and perseverance (this would be a topic for another day) works.

Another example is Richard Branson, the owner of the Virgin brand. He was practically living from hand to mouth when he started out. Infact, if he does not make sales, he and his team members would not eat. That’s another testimony of patience. Note, to this people, these times are not difficult moment but learning/preparation phase.

Thomas Edison is another great example who achieved what we now know as light-bulb today. He tried this like 1000 times before he achieved his goal. Don’t forget that he is also the founder of General Electric.

Our own Toyosi Akerele of RISE Network had her own fair share of difficult time as well. Her story is particularly fascinating to me because what do you say of someone who started out at an oil and gas firm but resigned just 3 weeks into her job to start what she believed in, engaging youth.

There are countless people like this. All these people had their share of difficult moments before they achieve the success they are enjoying today. This difficult time was not particularly difficult for them but a learning/preparation phase for the success they so desire because they are doing what they believe in, what they are passionate about and what they want to be remembered for.

So to the readers of this piece, find your purpose in life, what you are passionate about, what you want to be remembered for and pursue it with all the strength you are blessed with to achieve the success you are created for and you will discover that those moment before success comes won’t be difficult times.


Do not forget to follow me on twitter @suhaibarogs

Catch ya next week. 

Keywords: Youth, Patience, Perseverance, Passion, Success, Africa, Anthony Robbins, Bill Gate, Richard Branson, Thomas Edison, Toyosi Akerele, RISE Network, GE, Microsoft, Malaria

Monday, March 24, 2014


As a young man who so much loves knowledge and would do anything to seek for it, I got myself hooked up with this internship opportunity. Oh! that’s thanks to Tope (not real name), my new friend.

Yes, I had some hiccups before I was accepted due to perception issue. But at the end, I got the offer.

Starting the internship was exciting for me but on getting my offer letter, the timing was the first sad story. Guess what it was? 8am – 6pm (other time variations might be necessary sometimes). I knew there and then that it might not be very favorable for my personality but couldn’t talk because I wanted to learn. But after some time, I couldn’t bear it anymore and I came to realize that some learning’s can be sour and it’s not everything one can learn.

As a man who is inquisitive about knowledge, I couldn’t stay for a long time on the offer and it affected my relationship with my boss which resulted in an integrity issue. Except you are someone that care less but if you are like me that cares so much about your integrity, please, always be sure and let your reservations be known in any circumstance or job opportunity that comes your way. If the terms are not conducive, kindly say it from day one and if no compromise can be made for you, it is better to walk away.

So guyz, look before you leap so you don’t fall into the not so exciting situation I found myself.

Keep a date with me here next week.

Kindly follow Suhaib Arogundade on twitter @suhaibarogs for insightful issues in Nigeria


Keywords: Knowledge, Internship, Integrity, Relationship

Sunday, March 16, 2014


Originality comes from random thoughts and inspiring messages/articles. Some people just don’t like being told to do things and some don’t like the sound of an order. All they just want to do is freelancing, straight from the heart. When you get inspired, you do what you initially couldn’t do and the joyful part is it comes out great just like the writer of this piece. He doesn’t know how to write or simply put, if asked to write he can’t put his thoughts together in black and white but if he gets inspired by circumstance he can do justice to his writing. All I am saying is find inspiration and bring out the originality in you.
Till next week.

Kindly drop your comment and thoughts.


Monday, March 10, 2014


Why do we work? Why do we crave for a better and good paying job? Why do we crave for a better position at our workplace? Why do we want to change jobs? And the list goes on and on.
These are some of the thoughts that go through my mind as a young graduate trying to figure out what exactly I want out of life. I’m sure I’m not the only one that wonders about these things.
Friends tell me you need money to live a fulfilling life. Parents say you need a good job to have enough resources (money of course) to set up a family. 

But my inner self tells me “it’s not all about the money”. It’s what you can add to the society, it’s the value you can create, it’s the impact you can make, and it’s the joy and satisfaction you get when you do what you love most (that is what you are passionate about).
But then, what do you live on as a young graduate who needs to make ends meet and fend for himself.
Hmmm, what a twist!
It could be all about the money after all or it might be not all about the money.
What do you think guyz? Send in your thoughts and comments.
Cheers as you await the next article, until then take care…
