Wednesday, May 14, 2014


A friend once sent me message containing a mathematical calculation of SUCCESS, HARDWORK, and ATTITUDE. It was discovered that it is only ATTITUDE that amount to 100%. What is this telling us? It is only when you have the right attitude that things become easy for you and people are more willing to assist you.

This is not a charity talk but what can assist you both as an employer and employee. If you portray the wrong attitude towards your business, it will not grow and you won’t attract customers. You might also lose your best employee. Also, if as an employee, you put up a not-so-good attitude to your work which makes you lack commitment, customers won’t patronize the enterprise you work for thereby affecting the bottom-line and leading to low revenue which might eventually lead to your dismissal. If you do not get dismissed, you might remain in the position for long without growth.

So my esteemed readers decide from today to always give your best to whatever you are doing whether as an employer or employee so as to make you grow both in life and business.


NOTICE: Hello my dear readers, I will be away for 3 weeks. Kindly bear with me. However, if I have any free time, I will post the weekly digest here. Thank you for always coming back to read my articles.
Yours in growth.

Kindly follow me on twitter to continue the conversation @suhaibarogs

Sunday, May 4, 2014


This week I will like to share something very vital for our existence as humans with you and it is ‘Belief’. Having a strong belief system is very essential to move us from where we are to where we want to be in life. I remember being at a seminar where Jimi Tewe was facilitating and he was sharing his experience about having a strong belief system. The experience goes thus in his own voice.

“I needed to facilitate a session on twitter and some minutes to the start of the program, all my internet connection went down. Both phone and Wi Fi connection. Instead of panicking, I began to pray and believed that the connections will come back on. About a minute to the start of the program, my connections came back and never messed up till the end of the program”. This shows a strong belief in the most High”.

I also tried it over the weekend #smiles#. My big dad asked me to switch on the generator and on reaching the rope to kick start the generator, the rope refused to be drawn. Meanwhile my big dad wasn’t around almost thru the week, he just got back. If the generator doesn’t come on, he will say we spoilt it while he was away. Oh, I didn’t tell you earlier, my big dad is a disciplinarian and doesn’t like listening to explanations. He terms them as excuses (Don’t allow him hear o). I called out to my brother feeling that I am the one who is not getting the right way to switch on the generator (as if this is my first time of switching it on). He also tried but all to no avail. I just remembered Jimi’s scenario and I began praying within me believing that God will make the generator come on. Few moments later, I reached out for the generator rope and to my utmost surprise, the rope gave way and the generator came on (Allahu Akbar, Arabic word for Praise God). And of course as you can rightly imagine, that saved me and my siblings some serious scolding. There and then, I ascertained the fact that God answers prayers and that if there is no belief in whatever we do, we won’t go far.

Have you heard of the saying that what you can conceive, you can achieve. If there is no belief to support what you conceive, you won’t be able to achieve it that is the bitter truth. Even scientist that postulates hypothesis and theories and pass across to generations to utilize, only do so on the premise that they belief if you carry-out the experiment according to the principles stated in the hypothesis, you will get the desired result. In our daily lives, we wake up believing that our source or means of sustenance will get better for those that have and for the have not’s, they believe things can only get better or worse. In all, it is what we believe that will manifest. Just like Martin Luther-King Jnr believed that a black man will rule the world someday.

So my favorite readers, I challenge you to be a great believer and not just belief in anything but what will move you forward to prosper both in life and beyond.

Till we meet again next week.


Kindly follow me on twitter @suhaibarogs to keep up with my thoughts.

If you are a lover of the environment, you can also follow my work on twitter @wwafrica
